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Day 3 Summary

5th November 2021

The final day of #TropiCon21 has come to an end and we have been absolutely blown away by the quality of presentations and the enthusiasm with which everyone has participated in the conference.

Thank you to our three plenary speakers (Daisy Dent, Conservation Optimism, and Adam Algar), our 33 presenters, and to the 308 of you who have taken part by liking, sharing, and commenting on the conference tag! Together, we have tweeted 1621 times to a combined audience of 501,522 people! According to our analytics, tweets with the TropiCon21 hashtag could have appeared on people’s screens 4,723,585 times!

Today’s talks were started off by Julia G. de Aledo, who told us about her work on latitudinal changes in floristic diversity and composition in the western Amazon.

We then heard from Vero Narindra, who examined microhabitat preferences of the rufous mouse lemur across a Malagasy heterogeneous rainforest landscape.

Oliver Wilson then presented their research using sediment cores and models to understand changes to vegetation on the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.

Isabel Jones joined us while simultaneously attending COP26 to present her newly launched video game “Power Up!”, which aims to link people, large scale data collection, and decision makers.

Trisha Gopalakrishna presented their work on trade-offs and synergies between climate change mitigation and biodiversity across areas of natural forest regeneration in India

TaiÌs da Silva Siqueira gave a presentation assessing whether water quality influenced fish species richness in Brazilian streams.

Our final talk of the day was from Samuel Appiah Ofori, who discussed the impacts of shrimp farming on mangrove vegetation in Sri Lanka.

We were then delighted to welcome our third and final plenary of the conference. Adam Algar gave a fantastic presentation on scaling thermal ecology: from organisms to orders, seconds to centuries, and gaps to the globe.

We finished TropiCon21 with a panel discussion, featuring all of our plenary speakers via Zoom. Excellent questions were asked and answered and it was a fantastic opportunity to reflect on the conference as a whole.

Prizes were awarded for best talk (Tanwar Kamakshi: £50), runner up (Pundir Sourabh: £25), and best lightning tweet (Julian Donald: £25).

Thank you again to everyone who has presented, questioned, and shared the presentations at TropiCon21! We hope you’ve enjoyed the conference as much as we have and we look forward to continuing these conversations into the future.

Day 3 Summary: More Info

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