Day 1 Summary
3rd November 2021
Thank you to everyone who has made this first day of Tropicon21 such a success! We’re grateful to everyone who has shared and engaged with the presentations today and we’re excited to see what the rest of this conference will bring!
On just the first day, we have already welcomed 15 presentations and 120 active attendees. Together, you have built a conversation of 676 tweets and reached a potential audience of > 315 000 people through the TropiCon21 hashtag!
We started the conference with a fantastic plenary from Daisy Dent, who summarised advances in our understanding of secondary forests and highlighted opportunities for further research.
Katrin Heer then kicked off our day of 15 minute presentations with a talk on spatial scales of animal-mediated pollen and seed dispersal.
Frederick Asante presented next on the vegetation structure and regeneration potential of the Ankobra mangrove forest in Ghana.
Daniel Hending gave a great talk on their work investigating niche-separation and conservation biogeography of fork-marked lemurs.
Tanwar Kamakshi presented their research using amazing animations to explain ungulate habitat use and activity patterns in an Indian tropical dry-deciduous forest.
Alvise Dabalà introduced their exciting study of the protection of mangrove forests for conservation and fishing.
Elina Mäntylä told us about up and down-regulation of understory tree defences in a lowland tropical forest in Papua New Guinea
Lucy Wells presented on how their PhD will use remote sensing to map dry tropical biomes at a global scale.
Pundir Sourabh gave our final full-length presentation for the day. They told us about the conservation status and suitable habitats of Indian caracal.
After a short break, we then heard six fantastic lightning presentations from Julian Donald, Carlos Victor Dourado Batista, Tusheema Dutta, Nina Lys Nunes, Sangram Chavan, and James Borrell.
Thank you again to everyone who has presented, questioned, and shared the presentations from our first day at TropiCon21. We’ve had a fantastic time and we can’t wait to welcome you again for day two!