How to participate
If you aren't presenting, there is still loads to get involved with!
Anybody can attend and participate in the BES Tropical Ecology and Conservation Twitter Conference #TropiCon21. It's a really important part of a Twitter conference and we really hope that you will join us across the three days!
Here are some tips for how to participate:​
Register your interest to receive email updates.
Follow the main host twitter handles, @BES_Tropical, @BESConservation, @BritishEcolSoc. The Tropical Ecology and Conservation Ecology SIGs will be retweeting all of the presentations. Each SIG will also be taking it in turns to chair the presentations, meaning we will introduce the speakers and invite questions from attendees!
Follow the presenters on Twitter (find out who they are on the schedule).
Search the conference hashtag #TropiCon21 on Twitter. This is a good way of finding Tweets after the conference has taken place. You can also click on the hashtag on presenters' Tweets to easily find other presentations!
Engage in the conference by talking about which presentations you are looking forward to and by retweeting your favourite tweets.
Ask questions and start conversations! Presenters will be sharing their research in the form of a 'thread' and would love to hear your comments and questions.
The great thing about a Twitter conference is you can log-in at any time and get involved.
Join us at the live Zoom Closing Ceremony on Friday 5th November at 16:00 GMT. This will include a live Panel Discussion and Awards. If you have registered your interest, you will be sent joining instructions.