Conference Schedule
Times are in GMT. Be careful of capitals and punctuation marks when searching Twitter handles!
On this tab, you can find the full schedule for the BES Conservation Ecology & Tropical Ecology Joint Twitter Conference #TropiCon21.
All days run 13:00-17:00 GMT
Day 1: Wednesday 3rd November
Day 2: Thursday 4th November
Day 3: Friday 5th November

Day 1: Wednesday 3rd November
13:00 - 17:00 GMT
13:00 Welcome!
13:02 Plenary by Daisy Dent (@DaisyDent)
Tropical secondary forests now comprise more than half of the world's remaining tropical forests and are increasingly well studied. I will summarise advances in our understanding of secondary forests and highlight opportunities for further research.
13:30 Katrin Heer (@KatrinHeer)
dispersal; vertical stratification
13:45 Frederick Asante (@Frederi12046413)
Ankobra mangrove; vegetation structure; resource utilisation
14:00 Annia Streher (@anniaastronaut)
deep-learning; Amazon; leaf phenology
14:15 Daniel Hending (@DanHending)
ecological niche modelling; geographic distribution; Phaner
14:30 BREAK
14:45 Tanwar Kamakshi (@kamakshi_tanwar)
temporal activity pattern; ungulates; habitat use
15:00 Alvise Dabalà (@AlviseDab)
Spatial prioritization; data science; mangroves
15:15 Elina Mäntylä (@elinamantyla)
herbivory; plant defence; season
15:30 Lucy Wells (@lucyhelenwells2)
dry tropics; biome; earth observation
15:45 Pundir Sourabh (@sourabhpundir24)
caracal; extinction; habitat suitability
16:00 BREAK
16:15 Lightning Tweets
Julian Donald; Carlos Victor Dourado Batista; Tusheema Dutta; Emmanuel Akindele; Nina Lys Nunes; Sangram Chavan; Viljay Ramesh; James Borrell
17:00 End of Day 1

Day 2: Thursday 4th November
13:00 - 17:00 GMT
13:00 Welcome
13:15 Alejandro de la Fuente (@Afuentepinero)
abundance-suitability relationship; Australian Wet Tropics; niche theory
13:30 Daniela Requena Suarez (@drequenasuarez)
forest disturbance; recovery
13:45 Lilian Unger (@lilyunger)
palaeolimnology; freshwater; restoration
14:00 Thiago Silva (@thi_sanna)
Amazon; climate change; wetlands
14:15 BREAK
14:30 Plenary by Conservation Optimism (@ConservOptimism)
Join the Conservation Optimism Team to dive into their Positive Communication Toolkit. You will get some tips on how to frame your messages to help you empower people to take action for tropical ecosystems.
15:00 Tamali Mondal (@forestandocean6)
invasive plant; ecological niche modeling; hotspot analysis
15:15 Julie Teresa Shapiro (@JulieTheBatgirl)
Chiroptera; bat conservation; land-use change
15:30 Jorge A. Giraldo (@jagiral1)
tropical trees; dendrochronology; ever-wet forest
15:45 BREAK
16:00 Kerstin Pierick (@KerstinPierick)
fine roots; functional traits; tropical montane forests
16:15 Toby Jackson (@Toby_D_Jackson)
carbon; LiDAR; disturbance
16:30 Emma Duley (@emma_duley)
eDNA; plants; restoration
16:45 Daniel Augusto da Silva (@silvadaniel888)
LAI; SEM; edge effect
17:00 End of Day 2

Day 3: Friday 5th November
13:00 - 17:00 GMT
13:00 Welcome
13:15 Julia G. de Aledo (@DPZ_JGA)
​diversity; dominance; latitude
13:30 Veronarindra Ramananjato (@nah_vero)
Microcebus; conservation; tropical forest
13:45 Oliver Wilson (@olijwilson)
Brazil; climate change; biogeography​
14:00 Isabel Jones (@_Isabel_Jones)
trade-offs; hydropower; sustainable development goals
14:15 BREAK
14:30 Trisha Gopalakrishna (@trishuphigh)
​nature based solutions; spatial prioritization; ecosystem benefits
14:45 TaiÃŒs da Silva Siqueira (@TaisTas04618108)
Neotropical region; low order streams; fish assemblage
15:00 Samuel Appiah Ofori (@macnaki)
​mangrove conservation; shrimp farming; ecological footprint
15:15 Plenary by Adam Algar (@acalgar)​
Scaling thermal ecology: from organisms to orders, seconds to centuries, and gaps to the globe
15:45 BREAK
16:00 Closing Ceremony
The Closing Ceremony is taking place live on Zoom. It will include a Panel Discussion with our plenary speakers, plus awards giving. The Zoom link will be sent to all presenters and registrants.
17:00 End of #TropiCon21